Corporate Governance and Standards Committee - Thursday 25 July 2024, 7:00pm - Guildford Borough Council webcasts

Corporate Governance and Standards Committee
Thursday, 25th July 2024 at 7:00pm 









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  1. Cllr Bob Hughes
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  1. Carrie Anderson
  2. Cllr Bob Hughes
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  1. Cllr Ruth Brothwell
  2. Cllr Bob Hughes
  3. Cllr George Potter
  4. Cllr Bob Hughes
  5. Cllr Ruth Brothwell
  6. Cllr Bob Hughes
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  1. Cllr George Potter
  2. Cllr Bob Hughes
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  1. Luke Harvey
  2. Cllr Bob Hughes
  3. Cllr Carla Morson
  4. Cllr Bob Hughes
  5. Mr Simon Schofield
  6. Cllr Bob Hughes
  7. Cllr Ruth Brothwell
  8. Cllr Bob Hughes
  9. Cllr Ruth Brothwell
  10. Cllr Bob Hughes
  11. Luke Harvey
  12. Cllr Bob Hughes
  13. Cllr George Potter
  14. Cllr Bob Hughes
  15. Mr Richard Bates
  16. Cllr Bob Hughes
  17. Tim Wolfenden
  18. Luke Harvey
  19. Cllr Bob Hughes
  20. Julia Osborn
  21. Cllr Bob Hughes
  22. Luke Harvey
  23. Cllr Bob Hughes
  24. Cllr Julia McShane
  25. Cllr Bob Hughes
  26. Cllr Catherine Houston
  27. Cllr Bob Hughes
  28. Mrs Susan Sale
  29. Jeanette McGarry
  30. Cllr Bob Hughes
  31. Julia Osborn
  32. Cllr Bob Hughes
  33. Cllr George Potter
  34. Cllr Bob Hughes
  35. Cllr James Walsh
  36. Cllr Bob Hughes
  37. Luke Harvey
  38. Cllr James Walsh
  39. Luke Harvey
  40. Cllr James Walsh
  41. Luke Harvey
  42. Jeanette McGarry
  43. Cllr Julia McShane
  44. Cllr Bob Hughes
  45. Mr Richard Bates
  46. Cllr Bob Hughes
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  1. Ms. Iona Bond
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  1. Cllr Bob Hughes
  2. Mr Richard Bates
  3. Cllr Bob Hughes
  4. Cllr Richard Lucas
  5. Cllr Bob Hughes
  6. Cllr George Potter
  7. Cllr Bob Hughes
  8. Mr Richard Bates
  9. Cllr George Potter
  10. Cllr Bob Hughes
  11. Mr Simon Schofield
  12. Mr Richard Bates
  13. Mr Simon Schofield
  14. Mr Richard Bates
  15. Cllr Bob Hughes
  16. Cllr James Walsh
  17. Mr Richard Bates
  18. Cllr James Walsh
  19. Cllr Bob Hughes
  20. Ms. Iona Bond
  21. Cllr Bob Hughes
  22. Mr Richard Bates
  23. Cllr Richard Lucas
  24. Cllr Bob Hughes
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  1. Cllr George Potter
  2. Cllr Bob Hughes
  3. Cllr George Potter
  4. Cllr Bob Hughes
  5. Cllr George Potter
  6. Cllr Bob Hughes
  7. Cllr Ruth Brothwell
  8. Cllr Bob Hughes
  9. Cllr George Potter
  10. Cllr Bob Hughes
  11. Cllr Ruth Brothwell
  12. Cllr Bob Hughes
  13. Cllr George Potter
  14. Cllr Bob Hughes
  15. Cllr Julia McShane
  16. Cllr Bob Hughes
  17. Cllr Julia McShane
  18. Cllr Bob Hughes
  19. Julia Osborn
  20. Cllr Bob Hughes
  21. Tim Wolfenden
  22. Cllr Bob Hughes
  23. Mr Simon Schofield
  24. Cllr Bob Hughes
  25. Mr Simon Schofield
  26. Cllr Bob Hughes
  27. Mr Richard Bates
  28. Cllr Bob Hughes
  29. Cllr George Potter
  30. Cllr Bob Hughes
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  1. Webcast Finished