Planning Committee - Wednesday 14 August 2024, 7:00pm - Start video at 0:02:14 - Guildford Borough Council webcasts
Planning Committee
Wednesday, 14th August 2024 at 7:00pm
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Justin Williams
Mr James Tang
Mrs Angela Watson
Ms. Sophie Butcher
Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Sophie Butcher
Cllr Vanessa King
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for absence and notification of substitute members
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Agenda item :
2 Local code of conduct - disclosable pecuniary interests
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 Announcements
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Agenda item :
5 Planning and related applications
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Agenda item :
5 a) 23/P/02015 - Hepworth Garage, Horsham Road, Shalford, Guildford, GU4 8DQ
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Justin Williams
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Patrick Oven
Justin Williams
Cllr Patrick Oven
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Joanne Shaw
Justin Williams
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Justin Williams
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Dominique Williams
Justin Williams
Cllr Dominique Williams
Justin Williams
Cllr Dominique Williams
Justin Williams
Cllr Dominique Williams
Justin Williams
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Joss Bigmore
Justin Williams
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Joss Bigmore
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Bilal Akhtar
Justin Williams
Cllr Bilal Akhtar
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Sophie Butcher
Cllr Vanessa King
Agenda item :
5 b) 24/P/00772 - 1-8 Reindorp Close, Guildford
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Mr James Tang
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Patrick Oven
Mr James Tang
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Joss Bigmore
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Joss Bigmore
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Dominique Williams
Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Sophie Butcher
Cllr Vanessa King
Agenda item :
6 Planning appeal decisions
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Template for Planning Committee List, opens in new tab
- 23P02015 - Hepworth Garage, Horsham Road, Shalford, Guildford, GU4 8DQ, opens in new tab
- 24P00772 - 1-8 Reindorp Close, Guildford, opens in new tab
- Item 06 - Appeal Decisions, opens in new tab
- 23P02015 Hepworth Garage, Horsham Road, Shalford, Guildford, opens in new tab
- 24P00772 1-8 Reindorp Close, Guildford, opens in new tab
- List of Speakers - Planning Committee - 14 August 24, opens in new tab
Residents for Guildford and Villages
Liberal Democrats
Liberal Democrats