Council - Tuesday 8 October 2024, 7:00pm - Start video at 0:09:16 - Guildford Borough Council webcasts
Tuesday, 8th October 2024 at 7:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Ruth Brothwell
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for absence
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Mr John Armstrong
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
2 Disclosures of interest
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 Mayor's Communications
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Agenda item :
5 Leader's Communications
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Agenda item :
6 Announcements from the Statutory Officers
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Pedro Wrobel
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
7 Public participation
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Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Julia McShane
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
8 Questions from Councillors
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Cllr Keith Witham
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Julia McShane
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Catherine Young
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Fiona White
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
9 Medium Term Financial Plan Update
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Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Catherine Young
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Catherine Young
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Sue Wyeth-Price
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Catherine Young
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr David Bilbé
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Richard Lucas
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Julia McShane
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr David Bilbé
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Julia McShane
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
10 Climate Change Board - Carbon Emissions and Sustainability Progress Report 2022-23
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- Item 10 - Climate Change Board Annual Report
- Item 10 (1) - Climate Change Board Annual Report - App 1 - CCB Annual Report
- Item 10 (2) - Climate Change Board Annual Report - App 2 - Climate Change Board Terms of Reference
- Item 10 (3) - Climate Change Board Annual Report - App 3 - Carbon Footprint Report 2022-23
- Item 10 (4) - Climate Change Board Annual Report - App 4 - CCAP Action Priority List
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Joanne Shaw
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Richard Mills
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Catherine Houston
Cllr Steven Lee
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Patrick Oven
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
11 Overview & Scrutiny Annual Report 2023-24
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Cllr Catherine Young
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Fiona White
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Julia McShane
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Catherine Houston
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
12 Update to Pay Policy Statement
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Cllr Carla Morson
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Julia McShane
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Julia McShane
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Pedro Wrobel
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Carla Morson
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
13 Proposed Changes to Local Choice Functions
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Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
14 Review of Governance Arrangements relating to Companies
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- Item 14 - Governance of Companies
- Item 14 (1) - Governance of Companies - App 1 - Revised Part 3 Responsibility for Functions (tracked changes)
- Item 14 (2) - Governance of Companies - App 2 - Revised Part 3(1) Responsibility for Functions (clean)
- Item 14 (3) - Governance of Companies - App 3 - Revised Part 3(2) Terms of Reference of Committees (tracked changes)
- Item 14 (4) - Governance of Companies - App 4 - Revised Part 3(2) Terms of Reference of Committees
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Agenda item :
15 Notice of Motion dated 26 September 2024: Winter Fuel Payments and the Single Person Council Tax Discount
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Cllr Merel Rehorst-Smith
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Catherine Houston
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Geoff Davis
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Fiona White
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Catherine Young
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Stephen Hives
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Merel Rehorst-Smith
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Vanessa King
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Merel Rehorst-Smith
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Sallie Barker MBE, Mayor of Guildford
Webcast Finished
- Item 03 - Draft Council Minutes 23 July and 13 August 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 09 - MTFP update, opens in new tab
- Item 10 - Climate Change Board Annual Report, opens in new tab
- Item 10 (1) - Climate Change Board Annual Report - App 1 - CCB Annual Report, opens in new tab
- Item 10 (2) - Climate Change Board Annual Report - App 2 - Climate Change Board Terms of Reference, opens in new tab
- Item 10 (3) - Climate Change Board Annual Report - App 3 - Carbon Footprint Report 2022-23, opens in new tab
- Item 10 (4) - Climate Change Board Annual Report - App 4 - CCAP Action Priority List, opens in new tab
- Item 11 - O&S Annual Report, opens in new tab
- Item 11 (1) - Appendix 1 OS work plan - 27 Sept, opens in new tab
- Item 11 (2) - Appendix 2 Urgency provisions 2023, opens in new tab
- Item 11 (3) - Appendix 3 PAPER tool, opens in new tab
- Item 12 - Update to Pay Policy Statement, opens in new tab
- Item 12 (1) - Update to Pay Policy Statement - App 1, opens in new tab
- Item 13 - Local Choice Functions, opens in new tab
- Item 13 (1) - Local Choice Functions - App1, opens in new tab
- Item 13 (2) - Local Choice Functions - App 2 - (WBC), opens in new tab
- Item 13 (3) - Local Choice Functions - App 3 - (GBC), opens in new tab
- Item 14 - Governance of Companies, opens in new tab
- Item 14 (1) - Governance of Companies - App 1 - Revised Part 3 Responsibility for Functions (tracked changes), opens in new tab
- Item 14 (2) - Governance of Companies - App 2 - Revised Part 3(1) Responsibility for Functions (clean), opens in new tab
- Item 14 (3) - Governance of Companies - App 3 - Revised Part 3(2) Terms of Reference of Committees (tracked changes), opens in new tab
- Item 14 (4) - Governance of Companies - App 4 - Revised Part 3(2) Terms of Reference of Committees, opens in new tab

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Liberal Democrats

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Residents for Guildford and Villages