Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Resources - Monday 2 December 2024, 7:00pm - Guildford Borough Council webcasts
Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Resources
Monday, 2nd December 2024 at 7:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Philip Brooker
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitute Members
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James Dearling
Cllr Philip Brooker
Agenda item :
2 Local Code of Conduct and Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
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Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Philip Brooker
Agenda item :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
Agenda item :
4 Weyside Urban Village – update on delivery and progress on financial mitigation strategy
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Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Ms. Abi Lewis
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Dawn Bennett
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Dawn Bennett
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Richard Mills
Mr Richard Burden
Mr Mike Lee-Dickson
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Richard Mills
Cllr Richard Mills
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Richard Lucas
Cllr Richard Mills
Cllr Richard Lucas
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Abi Lewis
Mr Ezra Wallace
Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Abi Lewis
Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Abi Lewis
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Agenda item :
5 Period 6 Financial Monitoring 2024/25
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Cllr Richard Lucas
Jo Knight
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Tom Hunt
Cllr Philip Brooker
Jo Knight
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Steve Hives
Jo Knight
Cllr Philip Brooker
Jo Knight
Cllr Philip Brooker
Jo Knight
Cllr Philip Brooker
Jo Knight
Cllr Philip Brooker
Jo Knight
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Richard Lucas
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Jo Knight
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Jo Knight
Cllr Philip Brooker
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Steve Hives
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Howard Smith, Deputy Mayor of Guildford
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Philip Brooker
Agenda item :
6 Medium Term Financial Plan Update
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Cllr Richard Lucas
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Steve Hives
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Richard Mills
Cllr Philip Brooker
Mr Richard Bates
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Richard Lucas
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Philip Brooker
Agenda item :
7 Work Programme
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James Dearling
Cllr Philip Brooker
Cllr Philip Brooker
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- WUV O&S Report, opens in new tab
- Financial Monitoring 2024-25 P6, opens in new tab
- Period 6 - Appendix 1 Directorate Summary, opens in new tab
- Period 6 - Appendix 2 Variance Explanations, opens in new tab
- Period 6 - Appendix 3 Capital, opens in new tab
- Period 6 - Appendix 4 Debt, opens in new tab
- Period 6 - Appendix 5 Savings, opens in new tab
- Period 6 - Appendix 6 Reserves, opens in new tab
- Medium-Term Financial Plan Update, opens in new tab
- Resources O&S Committee work plan report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 work plan 22 Nov, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 PAPER tool, opens in new tab

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Residents for Guildford and Villages

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