Corporate Governance and Standards Committee - Thursday 14 November 2024, 7:00pm - Start video at 0:51:42 - Guildford Borough Council webcasts
Corporate Governance and Standards Committee
Thursday, 14th November 2024 at 7:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for absence and notification of substitute members
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Ms. Sophie Butcher
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
2 Local code of conduct - disclosure of interests
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes
Agenda item :
4 Action Tracker
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Julia Osborn
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
5 Questions by Members of the Public
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Agenda item :
6 Questions from Members
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Agenda item :
7 Financial Statements for the Years Ended 31.03.22 and 31.03.23
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Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
8 Internal Audit Plan Update Q4
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Cllr Richard Lucas
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Tim Wolfenden
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Tim Wolfenden
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
9 Review of Committees - Proposed establishment of a new Audit & Risk Committee and a Standards Committee
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Cllr Catherine Houston
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Merel Rehorst-Smith
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Murray Litvak
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ms. Deborah Upton
Murray Litvak
Mrs Susan Sale
Murray Litvak
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Mrs Susan Sale
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Julia Osborn
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Mrs Susan Sale
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Julia Osborn
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ms. Deborah Upton
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Mrs Susan Sale
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Ruth Brothwell
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Mrs Susan Sale
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Julia Osborn
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Deborah Upton
Cllr Vanessa King
Ms. Deborah Upton
Cllr Vanessa King
Mrs Susan Sale
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Tim Wolfenden
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Mrs Susan Sale
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Mrs Susan Sale
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
10 Proposed change to Council Procedure Rule 6.2
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Ms. Deborah Upton
Cllr Catherine Houston
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Merel Rehorst-Smith
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
11 Monitoring of S.106 Contributions
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Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Fiona White
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Sue Wyeth-Price
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Sue Wyeth-Price
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Sue Wyeth-Price
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Fiona White
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Richard Lucas
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Ruth Brothwell
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Ruth Brothwell
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Stephen Hives
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Fiona White
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Tim Wolfenden
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Tim Wolfenden
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Tim Wolfenden
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Fiona White
Julia Osborn
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Richard Lucas
Julia Osborn
Cllr Richard Lucas
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Fiona White
Julia Osborn
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Murray Litvak
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Murray Litvak
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Mrs Susan Sale
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ms. Claire Upton-Brown
Cllr Fiona White
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Julia Osborn
Cllr George Potter
Julia Osborn
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
12 Freedom of Information Compliance update
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Ciaran Ward
Cllr Angela Goodwin
Ciaran Ward
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Bob Hughes
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr George Potter
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Ciaran Ward
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
13 Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
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Ms. Kate Gillman
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Cllr Stephen Hives
Ms. Kate Gillman
Cllr Phil Bellamy
Agenda item :
14 Work programme
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Webcast Finished
- Item 03 (01) Draft CGSC Mins - 26 September 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 03 (02) Draft CGSC Mins - 26 September 2024 (Simultaneous Meeting), opens in new tab
- Item 04 - Corporate Governance and Standards Committee Decision-Action Tracker, opens in new tab
- Item 07 - Financial Statements for the Years Ended 31.03.22 and 31.03.23 - PC, opens in new tab
- Item 07 (1) - Guildford backstop AFR, opens in new tab
- Item 07 (2) - Local government letter of representation 2122, opens in new tab
- Item 07 (3) - Local government letter of representation 2223, opens in new tab
- Item 08 - Internal Audit plan Q4 24-25 Cover, opens in new tab
- Item 08 (1) - GBC Internal Audit Plan 2024-25 (Q4), opens in new tab
- Item 09 - ToR report CGS Committee 14 Nov, opens in new tab
- Item 09 (1) - App 1 - Proposed AR ToRs, opens in new tab
- Item 09 (2) - App 2 - Proposed Standards Ctte ToR, opens in new tab
- Item 09 (3) - App3 -Comparison showing Existing ToRs, opens in new tab
- Item 10 - Procedure Rule 6.2 report CGSC 14 Nov, opens in new tab
- Item 11 - Section 106 report Committee Nov 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 12 - FOI Report Nov 2024 (004), opens in new tab
- Item 13 - RIPA Report Nov 2024 final (004), opens in new tab
- Item 14 - CGSC Work Programme, opens in new tab
- Item 14 (1) - CGSC Work Programme - App 1 - 12 month rolling work programme, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - s106 report, opens in new tab
- Supplementary Information Sheet, opens in new tab

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